Over the years, there have been many studies into what determines a healthy lifestyle.
Narrowing down the results of those studies shows that there are 5 pillars to a healthy life.
A Well-Rounded Diet
This comes as no surprise, as any healthcare professional will tell you, a healthy diet is a crucial factor in a healthy lifestyle. A balance of foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and leaner meats like fish, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, can help shape healthy day-to-day living and meals.
A Healthy Body Weight
The better you stick to a healthy diet, the more likely you will achieve healthier body weight. Now, a healthy weight can differ depending on factors like gender, age, and height. The best person to give you more information on your ideal weight is your doctor. He or she can tell you what your ideal weight should be depending on the factors mentioned above tailored to you.
Simply put, just don’t smoke. It is never healthy, and there is certainly no good number of cigarettes, cigars, etc., that a person can consume. If you currently smoke, quitting as soon as possible is the best course of action if you want to start getting healthier.
Whereas smoking of any kind for any period is never great for your health, moderate alcohol intake can be acceptable in a healthy lifestyle. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to an increased risk of serious illnesses like certain cancers, stroke, high blood pressure, liver disease, etc.
Physical Activity
Ensuring that you get some physical activity every day is vital to keeping your body healthy. You can diet constantly, but if you aren’t getting active as well, you won’t see the best results. Typically, it is advised that you get about 30 minutes of moderate to high-intensity physical activity every day.
How can these pillars of a healthy life help?
If you can follow these five pillars, you will see a significant positive jump in how you feel day-to-day. Studies also show that sticking to these five habits can increase your life by over 10 years.
Avoiding these pillars will leave you more susceptible to common critical illnesses that could be prevented. Smoking, for example, every day, leaves you more at risk of developing lung cancer. Heavily drinking can leave your liver at risk for liver disease. Avoiding healthy foods and exercise will lead to weight gain and issues like heart disease.
Now, can people practice all five of these pillars every day? Yes, absolutely. Do you have to? No. Even just one or two of these healthy habits can help steer your health in the right direction. The more of them that you practice each day, the healthier you will be!